Leadership quotes

Leadership quotes

Leadership quotes
We have brought together the most beautiful Leadership quotes that will translate your feelings for you as basla.org . You can share your favorites from the following messages on social media accounts.

Leadership quotes are the impressions and learnings of incredible leaders. They have added to the world with their innotivative thoughts and diligent difficult work. A decent leader statements’ to motivate and impart a feeling of direction among individuals.

Turning into an incredible leader is more about the inward characteristics you have than the title you are given. While an individual might be responsible for overseeing individuals or heading a venture, a certifiable leader is one who can motivate others to achieve something significant.

A boss has the title, a leader has the people. – Simon Sinek

A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power. – Brian Tracy

A competent leader can get efficient service from poor troops, while on the contrary an incapable leader can demoralize the best of troops. – John J Pershing

A cowardly leader is the most dangerous of men. – Stephen King

A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

A good general not only sees the way to victory; he also knows when victory is impossible. – Polybius

A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader. A great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves. – Eleanor Roosevelt

A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit. – John C. Maxwell

A good leader leads the people from above them. A great leader leads the people from within them. – M.D. Arnold

A good leader must hate the wrong thing more than they hate the pain of doing the right thing. – Angela Jiang

A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit. – Arnold H. Glasow

A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better. – Jim Rohn

A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week. – George Patton

A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position. – John Maxwell

A great person attracts great people and knows how to hold them together. – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

A leader is a dealer in hope. – Napoleon Bonaparte

A leader is a person you will follow to a place you would not go by yourself. – Joel Barker

A leader is best when people barely know he exists. When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will all say: We did it ourselves. – Lao-Tzu

A leader is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along, they are being directed from behind. – Nelson Mandela

A leader is not an administrator who loves to run others, but someone who carries water for his people so that they can get on with their jobs. – Robert Townsend

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. – John C. Maxwell

A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others see. – Leroy Eimes

A leader operating in enemy territory should always project positivity and optimism.- Naval Ravikant

A leader should be visionary and have more foresight than an employee. – Jack Ma

A leader should have higher grit and tenacity, and be able to endure what the employees can’t. – Jack Ma

A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be. – Rosalynn Carter

A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could. – Zig Ziglar

A man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason. – J.P. Morgan

A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd. – Max Lucado

A person always doing his or her best becomes a natural leader, just by example. – Joe DiMaggio

A person who is happy is not because everything is right in his life, He is happy because his attitude towards everything in his life is right. – Sundar Pichai

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. – Albert Einstein

A real leader uses every issue, no matter how serious and sensitive, to ensure that at the end of the debate, we should emerge stronger and more united than ever before. – Nelson Mandela

A ruler should be slow to punish and swift to reward. – Ovid

A star wants to see himself rise to the top. A leader wants to see those around him rise to the top. – Simon Sinek

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. – Henry Adams

A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent. – Douglas MacArthur

A winner is a dreamer who never gives up. – Nelson Mandela

Abundance is not about providing everyone on this planet with a life of luxury – rather it’s about providing all with a life of possibility. – Peter Diamandis

All leaders are readers. – Jim Rohn

All of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: it was the willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their time. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership.

All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney

All that matters is that we start. – Simon Sinek

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. – Helen Keller

Always choose the future over the past. What do we do now? – Brain Tracy

An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage. – Jack Welch

Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm. – Publilius Syrus

As a leader, you should always start with where people are before you try to take them where you want them to go. – Jim Rohn

As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others. – Bill Gates

As you enter positions of trust and power, dream a little before you think. – Toni Morrison

Average leaders raise the bar on themselves; good leaders raise the bar for others; great leaders inspire others to raise their own bar. – Orrin Woodward

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. – Plato

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.- Dr. Seuss

Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but it’s a small price to pay for living a dream. – Peter McWilliams

Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily, even if you had no title or position. – Brian Tracy

Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple and it is also that difficult. – Warren Bennis

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. – Jack Welch

Being a good listener is absolutely critical to being a good leader; you have to listen to the people who are on the front line. – Richard Branson

Being a leader is making the people you love hate you a little more each day. – Patrick Ness

Believe you can and you’re halfway there. – Theodore Roosevelt

But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown. – Carl Sagan

Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. – Barack Obama

Connect deeply with others. Our humanity is the one thing that we all have in common. – Melinda Gates

Conscience is the root of all true courage; if a man would be brave let him obey his conscience. – James Freeman Clark

Control is not leadership; management is not leadership; leadership is leadership. If you seek to lead, invest at least 50 percent of your time in leading yourself; your own purpose, ethics, principles, motivation, conduct. Invest at least 20 percent leading those with authority over you and 15 percent leading your peers. – Dee Hock

Courage is an inner resolution to go forward despite obstacles; Cowardice is submissive surrender to circumstances. Courage breeds creativity; Cowardice represses fear and is mastered by it. Cowardice asks the question, is it safe? Expediency asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? But conscience asks the question, is it right? And there comes a time when we must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because it is right. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Courage is more exhilarating than fear and in the long run it is easier. We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Dealing with complexity is an inefficient and unnecessary waste of time, attention, and mental energy. There is never any justification for things being complex when they could be simple. – Edward de Bono

Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do. – Jessica Jackley

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success”Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. – Dale Carnegie

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person. – Mother Teresa

Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. – Napoleon Hill

Do what is right, not what is easy.

Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you’ll be criticized anyway. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Do you know that one of the great problems of our age is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than they do about thoughts and ideas? – Margaret Thatcher

Doing what is right isn’t the problem. It is knowing what is right. – Lyndon B Johnson

Don’t be a bottleneck. If a matter is not a decision for the President or you, delegate it. Force responsibility down and out. Find problem areas, add structure and delegate. The pressure is to do the reverse. Resist it. Donald Rumsfeld, former Secretary of Defense

Don’t be afraid to challenge the pros, even in their own backyard. – General Colin Powell

Don’t find fault; find a remedy. – Henry Ford

Don’t follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you. – Margaret Thatcher

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. – Robert Louis Stevenson

Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. Bill George

Don’t tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results. – George S. Patton Jr.

Don’t waste your energy trying to educate or change opinions; go over, under, through, and opinions will change organically when you’re the boss. Or they won’t. Who cares? Do your thing, and don’t care if they like it. – Tina Fey

Don’t necessarily avoid sharp edges. Occasionally they are necessary to leadership. – Donald Rumsfeld

Each group and each youngster is different. As a leader or coach, you get to know what they need. – Mike Krzyzewski

Earn your leadership every day. – Michael Jordan

Education is the mother of leadership. – Wendell Willkie

Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes. – Peter Drucker

Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out. – Stephen Covey

Emotional intelligence is a way of recognizing, understanding, and choosing how we think, feel, and act. It shapes our interactions with others and our understanding of ourselves. It defines how and what we learn; it allows us to set priorities; it determines the majority of our daily actions. Research suggests it is responsible for as much as 80 percent of the “success in our lives. Joshua Freedman

Entrepreneurial leadership requires the ability to move quickly when opportunity presents itself. – Brian Tracy

Every time you have to speak, you are auditioning for leadership. – James Humes

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.- Leo Tolstoy

Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing. – Albert Schweitzer

Find the smartest people you can and surround yourself with them. – Marissa Meyer

For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer. – Arnold Schwarzenegger

For the success of any mission, it is necessary to have creative leadership. Creative leadership is vital for government, non-governmental organizations as well as industries. – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion. – Oprah Winfrey

Good leaders build products. Great leaders build cultures. Good leaders deliver results. Great leaders develop people. Good leaders have a vision. Great leaders have values. Good leaders are role models at work. Great leaders are role models in life. – Adam Grant

Good leaders organize and align people around what the team needs to do. Great leaders motivate and inspire people with why they’re doing it. – Marillyn Hewson

Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand. – General Colin Powell

Great leaders are not defined by the absence of weakness, but rather by the presence of clear strengths. – John Zenger

Great leaders can see the greatness in others when they can’t see it themselves and lead them to their highest potential they don’t even know. – Roy T. Bennett

Great leaders do not desire to lead but to serve. – Myles Munroe

Great leaders do not fear challenges, because challenges do not break leaders but sharpen them. – Gift Gugu Mona

Great leaders have three things; inner light, inner vision, and inner strength. – Amit Ray

Great masters neither want nor need your worship. Your greatest gift to them and yourself is to emulate their divinity by claiming it as your own. – Alan Cohen

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. – Albert Einstein

Greatness is consistency driven by a deep love of the work.- Maria Popova

Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity. – W. Clement Stone

He who has great power should use it lightly. – Seneca

He who has learned how to obey will know how to command. – Solon

He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander. – Aristotle

He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command. – Niccolo Machiavelli

Hire people who are better than you are, then leave them to get on with it… Look for people who will aim for the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine. – David Ogilvy

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples. – Mother Teresa

I am endlessly fascinated that playing football is considered a training ground for leadership, but raising children isn’t. – Dee Dee Myers

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion. – Alexander the Great

I am reminded how hollow the label of leadership sometimes is and how heroic followership can be. – Warren Bennis

I can give you a six-word formula for success: Think things through – then follow through. – Edward Rickenbacker

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. – Jimmy Dean

I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure, which is: Try to please everybody. – Herbert Swope

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do. – Leonardo da Vinci

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10000 ways that won’t work. – Thomas A. Edison

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. – Nelson Mandela

I learned that things are never as complicated as we imagine them to be. It is only our arrogance which seeks to find complicated answers to simple problems. – Muhammad Yunus

I must follow the people. Am I not their leader? – Benjamin Disraeli

I never stopped trying to become qualified for the job. – Darwin E. Smith

I never thought in terms of being a leader. I thought very simply in terms of helping people. – John Hume

I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. – Ralph Nader

I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people. – Mahatma Gandhi

I think one of the keys to leadership is recognizing that everybody has gifts and talents. A good leader will learn how to harness those gifts toward the same goal. – Ben Carson

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou

If ‘leadership’ has come to be known as something much bigger than us, aligned to changing the world, then we are spending way too much time celebrating things that hardly anyone can do and not celebrating things we can do every day. – Drew Dudley

If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulder of giants. – Isaac Newton

If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities. – Maya Angelou

If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around. – Jim Rohn

If you always put a limit on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. Bruce Lee

If you do every job like you’re going to do it for the rest of your life, that’s when you get noticed. – Mary Barra

If you don’t believe in yourself, why is anyone else going to believe in you. – Tom Brady

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. – Henry David Thoreau

If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters. – Harvey Mackay

If you knew how much work went into it, you wouldn’t call it genius. – Michelangelo

If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings – and put compensation as a carrier behind it – you almost don’t have to manage them. – Jack Welch

If you really want the key to success, start by doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing. – Brad Szollose

If you really want to grow as an entrepreneur, you’ve got to learn to delegate. Richard Branson

If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself. – Jim Rohn

If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea. – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delegate. – John C. Maxwell

If you want to improve the organization, you have to improve yourself, and the organization gets pulled up with you. – Indra Nooyi

If you want to make enemies, try to change something. – Woodrow Wilson

If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing. – Benjamin Franklin

If you’re not sure where you are going, you’re liable to end up someplace else. – Robert F. Majer

If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader. – Dolly Parton

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. – John Quincy Adams

In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you. – Warren Buffet

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. – Thomas Jefferson

In most cases being a good boss means hiring talented people and then getting out of their way. – Tina Fey

In order to remain relevant, you must establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.- Marc Benioff

In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better”In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. – Harry S. Truman

In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders. – Sheryl Sandberg

In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. – Eric Hoffer

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. – Steve Jobs

Integrity is the most valuable and respected quality of leadership. Always keep your word. – Brian Tracy

Integrity, insight, and inclusiveness are the three essential qualities of leadership. – Sadhguru

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. – Confucius

It doesn’t matter how great your original product or idea is, if you can’t build a great company, then your product will not endure.- Brian Chesky

It is absurd that a man should rule others, who cannot rule himself. – Latin Proverb

It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership. – Nelson Mandela

It is not so much that man is a herd animal, said Freud, but that he is a horde animal led by a chief. – Ernest Becker

It is well to respect the leader. Learn from him. Observe him. Study him. But don’t worship him. Believe you can surpass. Believe you can go beyond. Those who harbor the second-best attitude are invariably second-best doers.- David J. Schwartz

It only takes one person to mobilize a community and inspire change. Even if you don’t feel like you have it in you, it’s in you. You have to believe in yourself. People will see your vision and passion and follow you. Teyonah Parris

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently. – Warren Buffett

It’s all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you’re properly trained. – Queen Elizabeth II

It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. – Bill Gates

It’s hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse. – Adlai Stevenson

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. – Theodore Roosevelt

Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others. – Robert Louis Stevenson

Knowing what must be done does away with fear. – Rosa Parks

Lead and inspire people. Don’t try to manage and manipulate people. Inventories can be managed but people must be led. – Ross Perot

Lead from the back and let others believe they are in front. – Nelson Mandela

Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. – General George Patton

Leaders are innovative, entrepreneurial, and future-oriented. They focus on getting the job done. – Brian Tracy

Leaders are made; they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price that all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile. – Vince Lombardi

Leaders are people who believe so passionately that they can seduce other people into sharing their dream. – Warren Bennis

Leaders aren’t born; they are made. And they are made just like anything else through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal or any goal. – Vince Lombardi

Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders. – Tom Peters

Leaders don’t force people to follow – they invite them on a journey. – Charles S. Lauer

Leaders don’t inflict pain, they share pain. – Max Depree

Leaders establish trust with candor, transparency, and credit. – Jack Welch

Leaders instill in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals.

Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.- John C. Maxwell

Leaders must encourage their organizations to dance to forms of music yet to be heard.- Warren Bennis

Leaders never use the word failure. They look upon setbacks as learning experiences. – Brian Tracy

Leaders set high standards. refuse to tolerate mediocrity or poor performance. – Brian Tracy

Leaders shouldn’t attach moral significance to their ideas: Do that, and you can’t compromise. – Peter F. Drucker

Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk about the problems. – Brian Tracy

Leaders walk a fine line between self-confidence and humility. – Stanley McChrystal

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. – John F. Kennedy

Leadership cannot just go along to get along. Leadership must meet the moral challenge of the day. – Jesse Jackson

Leadership cannot really be taught. It can only be learned. – Harold Geneen

Leadership consists of nothing but taking responsibility for everything that goes wrong and giving your subordinates credit for everything that goes well. – Dwight D. Eisenhower

Leadership distilled down to 3 words: Make a difference.- Robin Sharma

Leadership does not always wear the harness of compromise. – Woodrow Wilson

Leadership involves finding a parade and getting in front of it. – John Naisbitt

Leadership is a choice, not a position. – Stephen Covey

Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence, seeing how you react. If you’re in control, they’re in control. – Tom Landry

Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy. – Norman Schwarzkopf

Leadership is about empathy. It is about having the ability to relate to and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives. – Oprah Winfrey

Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence. – Sheryl Sandberg

Leadership is about vision and responsibility, not power. – Seth Berkley

Leadership is an action, not a position. – Donald McGannon

Leadership is an opportunity to serve. It is not a trumpet call to self-importance. – J. Donald Walters

Leadership is getting someone to do what they don’t want to do but to achieve what they want to achieve. – Tom Landry

Leadership is having a compelling vision, a comprehensive plan, relentless implementation, and talented people working together. – Alan Mulally

Leadership is influence. – John C. Maxwell

Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations. – Peter F. Drucker

Leadership is like third grade: it means repeating the significant things. – Max De Pree

Leadership is much more an art, a belief, a condition of the heart, than a set of things to do. – Max De Pree

Leadership is not a popularity contest; it’s about leaving your ego at the door. The name of the game is to lead without a title. – Robin S. Sharma

Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flow charts. It is about one life influencing another. – John C. Maxwell

Leadership is not just about giving energy… it’s unleashing other people’s energy. – Paul Polman

Leadership is not so much about technique and methods as it is about opening the heart. Leadership is about inspiration – of oneself and of others. Great leadership is about human experiences, not processes. Leadership is not a formula or a program, it is a human activity that comes from the heart and considers the hearts of others. It is an attitude, not a routine. Lance Secretan

Leadership is not something that is done to people, like fixing your teeth. Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better. Bill Bradley

Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or conclude you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership. – Colin Powell

Leadership is something you earn, something you’re chosen for. You can’t come in yelling, ‘I’m your leader!’ If it happens, it’s because the other guys respect you. – Ben Roethlisberger

Leadership is the ability to get extraordinary achievement from ordinary people. Brian Tracy

Leadership is the ability to guide others without force into a direction or decision that leaves them still feeling empowered and accomplished. – Lisa Cash Hanson

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. – General Dwight Eisenhower

Leadership is the art of giving people a platform for spreading ideas that work. – Seth Godin

Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. – Warren G. Bennis

Leadership is the key to 99 percent of all successful efforts. – Erskine Bowles

Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better. – Bill Bradley

Leadership requires belief in the mission and unyielding perseverance to achieve victory. – Jocko Willink

Leadership should be focused on extending the ladder of opportunity for everyone. – Justin Trudeau

Leadership should be more participative than directive, more enabling than performing. – Mary D. Poole

Leadership to me means duty, honor, country. It means character, and it means listening from time to think we need the feminine qualities of leadership, which include attention to aesthetics and the environment, nurturing, affection, intuition, and the qualities that make people feel safe and cared for. – Deepak Chopra

Learning is not a one-time event or a periodic luxury. Great leaders in great companies recognize that the ability to constantly learn, innovate, and improve is vital to their success. Amy Edmondson

Life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent of how I react to it. – Charles Swindoll

Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring, and integrity, they think of you. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Look over your shoulder now and then to be sure someone’s following you. – Henry Gilmer

Make people feel like the hero of their journey and they will do more.- Maxime Lagacé

Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it’s not. It takes patience, it takes commitment and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. – Barack Obama

Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing. – Tom Peters

Management is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could. – Steve Jobs

Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things. – Peter F. Drucker

Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall. – Stephen Covey

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.- Thomas Edison

Mark Twain leadership quote “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus”You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. – Mark Twain

Max Lucado quote “A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd”A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd. – Max Lucado

Measure your impact in humanity, not in the likes, but the lives you touch; not in popularity, but in the people you serve. I found that my life got bigger when I stopped caring about what other people thought about me. You will find yours will too. Stay focused on what really matters. There will be times when your resolve to serve humanity will be tested. Be prepared. People will try to convince you that you should keep your empathy out of your career. Don’t accept this false premise. Tim Cook

Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. – Harry S. Truman

More leaders have been made by accident, circumstance, sheer grit, or will than have been made by all the leadership courses put together. – Warren Bennis

Mountaintops inspire leaders but valleys mature them.- Winston Churchill

My country is the world, and my religion is to do good. – Thomas Paine

My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to take these great people we have and to push them and make them even better. – Steve Jobs

My own definition of leadership is this: The capacity and the will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence. – General Montgomery

My responsibility is getting all my players playing for the name on the front of the jersey, not the one on the back.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. – Abraham Lincoln

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead

Never give an order that can’t be obeyed. – General Douglas MacArthur

Never look back is my philosophy.- Helen Clark

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. – General George Patton

Ninety percent of leadership is the ability to communicate something people want. – Dianne Feinstein

No leader sets out to be a leader. People set out to live their lives, expressing themselves fully. When that expression is of value, they become leaders. So the point is not to become a leader. The point is to become yourself, to use yourself completely – all your skills, gifts and energies – in order to make your vision manifest. You must withhold nothing. You must, in sum, become the person you started out to be, and to enjoy the process of becoming. – Warren Bennis

No man is good enough to govern another man without that other’s consent. – Abraham Lincoln

No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it. – Andrew Carnegie

No one can grow if he does not accept his smallness.- Pope Francis

No one is going to make you a leader. Take the reins, create your own opportunity, and build the career that you deserve. Devin Bramhall

No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit. – Andrew Carnegie

Not the cry, but the flight of a wild duck, leads the flock to fly and follow. – Chinese Proverb

Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal. – E. Joseph Cossman

Of all the things I’ve done, the most vital is coordinating those who work with me and aiming their efforts at a certain goal. – Walt Disney

One of the most important things for any leader is to never let anyone else define who you are. And you define who you are. I never think of myself as being a woman CEO of this company. I think of myself as a steward of a great institution. – Ginni Rometty

One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency. – Arnold Glasow

Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them. – Dalai Lama

Outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish. – Sam Walton

People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision. – John C. Maxwell

People who are truly strong lift others up. People who are truly powerful bring others together. – Michelle Obama

People who enjoy meetings should not be in charge of anything. – Thomas Sowell

People who take a long view of their lives and careers always seem to make much better decisions about their time and activities than people who give very little thought to the future. Brian Tracy

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. – Vince Lombardi

Pity the leader caught between unloving critics and uncritical lovers. – John Gardner

Practice Golden Rule Management in everything you do. Manage others the way you would like to be managed. – Brian Tracy

Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. – Harry S. Truman

Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not. – Oprah Winfrey

Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead. – Pete Hoekstra

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. – Dalai Lama

Respect is the key determinant of high-performance leadership. how much people respect you determines how well they perform. Brian Tracy

Set and maintain high standards. If you have to be hard on people, do it with love and a genuine wish for them to improve. Praise people when they hit the standard. Sam Altman

So much of what we call management consists in making it difficult for people to work. – Peter Drucker

Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. – Michael Jordan

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. – Warren Buffett

Stay connected to feel empathy, compassion, and understanding for yourself and others. – Vanessa Tucker

Strength and wisdom are not opposing values. – Bill Clinton

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. – Albert Einstein

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. – Winston Churchill

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill

Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.- Coco Chanel

Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every opportunity. Reed Markham

Superior leaders are willing to admit a mistake and cut their losses. Be willing to admit that you’ve changed your mind. Don’t persist when the original decision turns out to be a poor one. Brian Tracy

Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don’t interfere as long as the policy you’ve decided upon is being carried out. Ronald Reagan

Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave. Mary Tyler Moore

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin

The ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have. – Sheryl Sandberg

The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes. – Tony Blair

The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it. – Theodore Roosevelt

The best leaders have a high consideration factor. They really care about their people. – Brian Tracy

The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly. – Jim Rohn

The effective leader recognizes that they are more dependent on their people than they are on them. Walk softly. – Brian Tracy

The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men, the conviction and the will to carry on. – Walter Lippman

The first job of leadership is to love people. Leadership without love is manipulation. – Rick Warren

The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant. – Max DePree

The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. – Ralph Nader

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. – Eleanor Roosevelt

The glue that holds all relationships together – including the relationship between the leader and the led – is trust, and trust is based on integrity. – Brian Tracy

The greatest gift of leadership is a boss who wants you to be successful. – Jon Taffer

The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things. – Ronald Reagan

The greatest leaders mobilize others by coalescing people around a shared vision. – Ken Blanchard

The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively. – Bob Marley

The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership. – Harvey S. Firestone

The hardest thing about being a leader is demonstrating or showing vulnerability. When the leader demonstrates vulnerability and sensibility and brings people together, the team wins. – Howard Schultz

The highest of distinctions is service to others. – King George VI

The important thing is this: to be able to give up in any given moment all that we are for what we can become. – DeSeaux

The key responsibility of leadership is to think about the future. No one else can do it for you. – Brian Tracy

The key to success is action. – Brian Tracy

The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority. – Kenneth Blanchard

The leader has to be practical and a realist yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist. – Eric Hoffer

The mark of a great man is one who knows when to set aside the important things in order to accomplish the vital ones. – Brandon Sanderson

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. – William Arthur Ward

The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born. – Warren Bennis

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. – Amelia Earhart

The most effective way to do it, is to do it. – Amelia Earhart

The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example. – John Wooden

The nation will find it very hard to look up to the leaders who are keeping their ears to the ground. – Sir Winston Churchill

The only safe ship in a storm is leadership. – Faye Wattleton

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. – Steve Jobs

The outward expression of empathy is courtesy. – Stewart Butterfield

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails. – John Maxwell

The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good. Brian Tracy

The price of greatness is responsibility. – Winston Churchill

The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves. – Ray Kroc

The really expert riders of horses let the horse know immediately who is in control, but then guide the horse with loose reins and seldom use the spurs. Sandra Day O’Connor

The role of leadership is to transform the complex situation into small pieces and prioritize them. – Carlos Ghosn

The secret of leadership is simple: Do what you believe in. Paint a picture of the future. Go there. People will follow. – Seth Godin

The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them. – John Maxwell

The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office. Dwight D. Eisenhower

The supreme quality of leadership is integrity. – Dwight D. Eisenhower

The task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there. – John Buchan

The task of the leader is to get their people from where they are to where they have not been. – Henry Kissinger

The thing you fear most has no power. Your fear of it is what has the power. Facing the truth really will set you free. – Oprah Winfrey

The things we fear most in organizations – fluctuations, disturbances, imbalances – are the primary sources of creativity. – Margaret Wheatley

The three ‘C’s’ of leadership are consideration, caring, and courtesy. Be polite to everyone. Brian Tracy

The true mark of a leader is the willingness to stick with a bold course of action – an unconventional business strategy, a unique product-development roadmap, a controversial marketing campaign – even as the rest of the world wonders why you’re not marching in step with the status quo. In other words, real leaders are happy to zig while others zag. They understand that in an era of hyper-competition and non-stop disruption, the only way to stand out from the crowd is to stand for something special. Bill Taylor

The true test of leadership is how well you function in a crisis. – Brian Tracy

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. It’s got to be a vision you articulate clearly and forcefully on every occasion. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet. Reverend Theodore Hesburgh

The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.

There are no office hours for leaders. – Cardinal J. Gibbons

There are three essentials to leadership: humility, clarity and courage. – Fuchan Yuan

There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there. – Indira Gandhi

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. – Edith Wharton

There exist limitless opportunities in every industry. Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier. – Charles F. Kettering

There is a difference between being a leader and being a boss. Both are based on authority. A boss demands blind obedience; a leader earns his authority through understanding and trust. Klaus Balkenhol

There is a troublesome humor some men have, that if they may not lead, they will not follow; but had rather a thing were never done, than not done their own way, tho’ other ways very desirable. – William Penn

There is little success where there is little laughter. – Andrew Carnegie

There is nothing quite so useless as doing with great efficiency something that should not be done at all. – Peter F. Drucker

Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly. – John F. Kennedy

Those who let things happen usually lose to those who make things happen. – Dave Weinbaum

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. – Buddha

Throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart – live for it, die for it, and you will find the happiness that you had thought could never be yours. – Dale Carnegie

Time is neutral and does not change things. With courage and initiative, leaders change things. – Jesse Jackson

To achieve something meaningful, you need to know where you are heading and be willing to train hard to get there. – Arianna Huffington

To add value to others, one must first value others. – John Maxwell

To be a leader, you have to make people want to follow you, and nobody wants to follow someone who doesn’t know where he is going. – Joe Namath

To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; credible we must be truthful. – Edward Murrow

To command is to serve, nothing more and nothing less. – Andre Malraux

To do great things is difficult; but to command great things is more difficult. – Friedrich Nietzsche

To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart. – Eleanor Roosevelt

To have long term success as a coach or in any position of leadership, you have to be obsessed in some way. – Pat Riley

To lead people, walk behind them. – Lao Tzu

To lead people, walk beside them. As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence… When the best leader’s work is done, the people say, ‘We did it ourselves!’ – Lao Tzu

To me, leadership is about encouraging people. It’s about stimulating them. It’s about enabling them to achieve what they can achieve – and to do that with a purpose- Christine Lagarde

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. – Margaret Fuller

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Leo Buscaglia

Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of being. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

True leadership lies in guiding others to success – in ensuring that everyone is performing at their best, doing the work they are pledged to do and doing it well. – Bill Owens

True leadership stems from individuality that is honestly and sometimes imperfectly expressed… Leaders should strive for authenticity over perfection. – Sheryl Sandberg

Turn your wounds into wisdom. – Oprah Winfrey

Victims make excuses. Leaders deliver results. – Robin Sharma

We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. – Kurt Vonnegut

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle

We can, we will, and we must come together. – Joe Biden

We cannot lead anyone farther than we have been ourselves. – John C. Maxwell

We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better. – J.K. Rowling

We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.- J.K. Rowling

We live in a society obsessed with public opinion. But leadership has never been about popularity. – Marco Rubio

We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn. – Peter Drucker

We’re here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark. – Whoopi Goldberg

What you do has a far greater impact than what you say. – Stephen Covey

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. – Napoleon Hill

Whatever you are, be a good one. – Abraham Lincoln

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. – Henry Ford

When I give a minister an order, I leave it to him to find the means to carry it out. – Napoleon Bonaparte

When people talk, listen completely. – Ernest Hemingway

When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. – Elon Musk

When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful. – Malala Yousafzai

When you delegate tasks, you create followers. When you delegate authority, you create leaders. – Craig Groeschel

When you delegate work to a member of the team, your job is to clearly frame success and describe the objectives. – Steven Sinofsky

Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching. – Thomas Jefferson

Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision. – Peter F. Drucker

Where there is no vision, the people perish. – Proverbs 29:18

Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it. – David Star Jordan

Wise leaders generally have wise counselors because it takes a wise person themselves to distinguish them. – Diogenes of Sinope

You are judged in this world by how well you bring things to an end. A messy or incomplete conclusion can reverberate for years to come. – Robert Greene

You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do. – Carl Jung

You can be a leader in your workplace, your neighborhood, or your family, all without having a title. – Travis Bradberry

You cannot be a leader, and ask other people to follow you, unless you know how to follow, too. – Sam Rayburn

You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore. – William Falkner

You don’t have to hold a position in order to be a leader. – Henry Ford

You don’t lead by hitting people over the head – that’s assault, not leadership. – Dwight Eisenhower

You don’t need a title to be a leader. – Multiple Attributions

You don’t lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making a case. – Ken Kesey

You either run with lions or walk with sheep. – Matshona Dhliwayo

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do. – Eleanor Roosevelt

You get in life what you have the courage to ask for. – Nancy D. Solomon

You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life. – Winston Churchill

You have to be willing to be misunderstood if you’re going to innovate. – Jeff Bezos

You manage things; you lead people. – Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. – Mahatma Gandhi

You need a commitment that is long-term and a commitment to leadership because that’s the only way you build excellence. – Azim Premji

You take people as far as they will go, not as far as you would like them to go. – Jeanette Rankin

Your work is to discover your work and then, with all your heart to give yourself to it. – Buddha

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